Frequently Asked Questions About Our IT Services

Author: FT Solutions | | Categories: IT Consulting , IT Services Company , IT Support

Blog by FT Solutions

Information technology can transform your business operations by providing effective tools for online marketing, CCTV security, and analytics. However, when it comes to IT services, there are many questions clients have but may find it tricky to get all the answers they’re seeking.

So, to ensure you have your doubts cleared, FT Solutions wants to arm you with the most accurate information available to help you enhance your enterprise with IT. To do this, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions about our IT services.

1. How can you support my business?
We currently offer support to our clients regardless of the time or day. Consequently, we can jump into your business 24/7 using a remote connection and can alert you during moments of compromise.

2. What are IT managed services?
We are always there to help you decide on your IT outsourcing needs. It includes offering round-the-clock assistance for network monitoring, reporting, desktop support, and implementing new software.

3. Are you able to host and manage our emails?
We are partnered with leading companies to provide you a 99.9999 SLA uptime for your essential communication. Therefore, we have become the primary contact for your email needs.

4. What backup solution does your company offer?
We have a variety of backup options, and our basic strategy is a reliable on-premise solution with RAID Technology to avoid any compromise of data. We also strongly suggest sending the backup at least once a week out of the premises. It will protect you from any cyberattack that can take away a big chunk of your business.

5. Can I monitor my CCTV System from anywhere?
Yes, your CCTV system from us is fully capable of being monitored from everywhere. Therefore, with complete security encryption, your video can easily share footage between you and your local recorder on site.

6. Will antivirus software slow down my PC?
It depends on how much resource your computer has available to handle continuous protection by any endpoint security. We are proud to partner with AVAST CLOUD CARE, where we monitor every aspect of your endpoint protection. Consequently, we can act fast and clean up any process that may slow down your PC.

7. What is the price of your IT managed services?
We are passionate about what we do, and our goal is to protect you at any cost. As we recognize how critical IT support is for your business, we love to tailor our packages to suit your specific needs and budget.

8. How long will it take to make our website live?
We always work hard and are dedicated to being on time for every assignment. But, websites are a bit different as they require interaction with customers for content approval and revisions. But, don’t worry, as we offer content creation services. So, give us some titles, and we will develop amazing content to make the best use of your new ID online.

If you have any more questions about our IT services, get in touch with the experts at FT Solutions. As the best IT services company in Miami, Florida, we provide effective solutions at competitive pricing that can help you modernize your business and get better support. Our services include remote IT solutions and security services. We also offer web designing, SEO, and social media promotions for our clients across Hialeah, Miami, Doral, Coral Gables, Downtown Miami, and the surrounding areas.

To learn more about how we can help you, please click here or contact us by clicking here.